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HGNC workshops

  Gene Nomenclature Across Species (GNAS 2009) October 12-13, 2009. Cambridge, UK

  HGNC/HGVS Copy Number Variation Workshop May 31, 2006. Helsinki, Finland

  Virtual Gene Nomenclature Workshop 2003

  ASHG01 Nomenclature Workshop (ASHG01-NW) October 12, 2001.  San Diego, USA

  HGM01 Nomenclature Workshop (HGM01-NW)  April 19, 2001.  Edinburgh, UK

  ASHG Nomenclature Workshop (ASHG-NW) October 2, 2000.  Philadelphia, USA

  2nd International Nomenclature Workshop (INW2)  April 30-May 2 1999.  Cambridge, UK

  International Nomenclature Workshop (INW)March 5, 1997.  Toronto, Canada