Meetings attended by the HGNC team
Future meetings
Members of the HGNC team have attended the following meetings:
- HGM 2011 (Dubai, UAE) 14-17 March
- Abcam 2011, Non-coding RNA, Epigenetic Memory, and the Environment (London, UK) 14-15 April
- ESHG 2011 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 28-31 May
- RNA 2011, 16th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (Kyoto, Japan) 14-18 June
- Quest for Orthologs 2 (Hinxton, UK) 17-19 June
- Theo Murphy International Scientific meeting on Non-protein coding RNAs (Kavli Royal Society International Centre, UK) 19-20 September
- ICHG 2011/ASHG 61st Annual Meeting (Montreal, Canada) 11-15 October
- 2nd International Conference and Workshop - Genomic Impact of Eukaryotic Transposable Elements (Pacific Grove, USA) 6-10 February
- Semantic Enrichment of the Scientific Literature (SESL 2009) Workshop (Hinxton, UK) 31 March
- 3rd International Biocuration Conference (Berlin, Germany) 16-19 April
- NC-IUPHAR Meeting (Paris, France) 24-26 April
- RNA2009, 14th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (Madison, USA) 26-30 May
- From Genotype to Phenotype: Resources and Challenges Workshop (Hinxton, UK) 10 June
- ISMB ECCB 2009 (Stockholm, Sweden) 27 June - 2 July
- Quest for Orthologs 1 (Hinxton, UK) 3-5 July
- 11th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis (HGV2009) (Tallinn, Estonia) 11-13 September
- ASHG 59th Annual Meeting (ASHG2009) (Honolulu, USA) 20-24 October
- Genomic Disorders (Hinxton, UK) 17-20 March
- NC-IUPHAR Meeting (Paris, France) 18-20 April
- The Biology of Genomes (Cold Spring Harbor, USA) 6-10 May
- HGVS Meeting (Barcelona, Spain) 31 May
- European Human Genetics Conference ESHG (Barcelona, Spain) 31 May - 3 June
- International Congress of Genetics (Berlin, Germany) 19-23 July
- RNA2008 Annual Meeting (Berlin, Germany) 28 July - 3 August
- 8th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust Conference on Genome Informatics (Cambridge, UK) 10-14 September
- HGM2008 HUGO Human Genome Meeting (Hyderabad, India) 27-30 September
- ASHG2008 (Philadelphia, USA) November 11-15 November
- NC-IUPHAR Meeting (Paris, France) 13-14 April
- The Biology of Genomes (Cold Spring Harbor, USA) 8-12 May
- HGVS Meeting (Montreal, Canada) 21 May
- HGM2007 HUGO Human Genome Meeting (Montreal, Canada) 21-24 May
- ISMB/ECCB meeting (Vienna, Austria) 21-25 July
- Gap Junction Conference 2007 (Elsinore, Denmark) 4-9 August
- 4th International Workshop on the Arylamine N-Acetyltransferases (Alexandroupolis, Greece) 14-16 September
- ASHG2007 (San Diego, USA) 23-27 October
- 21st IMGC Annual Meeting (Kyoto, Japan) 28 October-1 November
- NC-IUPHAR Meeting (Paris, France) 21-23 April
- eProtein Scientific Meeting (Hinxton, UK) 24 April
- Joint HGNC/HGVS Meeting (Helsinki, Finland) 31 May
- HGM2006 HUGO Human Genome Meeting (Helsinki, Finland) 31 May-3 June
- The Human Variome Project Meeting (Melbourne, Australia) 20-23 June
- RNA2006 Annual Meeting (Seattle, USA) 20-25 June
- GO Annotation Camp (Stanford, USA) 10-14 July
- 11th International Congress of Human Genetics (Brisbane, Australia) 6-10 August
- YAPC::Europe (Birmingham, UK) 30 August-1 September
- 6th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust conference on Genome Informatics (Cambridge, UK) 13-17 September
- ASHG2006 (New Orleans, USA) 9-13 October
- 20th IMGC Annual Meeting (Charleston, South Carolina, USA) 12-15 November
- HGM2004 HUGO Human Genome Meeting (Berlin, Germany) 4-7 April
- Meeting of the Nomenclature Committees JCBN (Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature). (London, UK) 1-2 May
- 29th FEBS Congress (Warsaw, Poland) 26 June-1 July
- Gordon Research Conference on Intermediate Filaments (Oxford, UK) 8-13 August
- 2004 HUGO Mutation Detection Training Course (Newcastle, UK) 2-6 September
- YAPC "Yet Another Perl Conference" (Belfast, Northern Ireland) 15-17 September
- 4th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Wellcome Trust conference on Genome Informatics (Cambridge, UK) 22-26 September
- IMGC International Mouse Genome Conference (Seattle, USA) 18-21 October
- ASHG2004 (Toronto, Canada) 26-30 October
- HAWK3 Human Annotation Workshop (Marco Island, USA) 5 February
- HGM2003 HUGO Human Genome Meeting (Cancún, Mexico) 27-30 April
- Meeting of the Nomenclature Committees JCBN (Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature). (Dublin, Eire) 3-4 May
- European Human Genetics Conference ESHG (Birmingham, UK) 3-6 May
- Bio-Ontologies (Sixth annual meeting) (Brisbane, Australia) 28 June, From Text to Ontology and Back Again.
- International Congress of Genetics (Melbourne, Australia) 6-11 July
- YAPC "Yet Another Perl Conference" (Paris, France) 23-25 July
- International Cytokine Society Conference (Dublin, Eire) 20-24 September
- ASHG2003 (Los Angeles, USA) 4-8 November
- O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference (Tucson, Arizona, USA) 28-31 January
- The Human Annotation Workshop (Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK) 1-3 March
- Genetics Society/British Society for Developmental Biology Spring Meeting (York, UK) 20-23 March
- An Ontologies Workshop. From Genotype to Phenotype: Linking Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics Ontologies (Manchester, UK) 23-24 March
- HGM2002 (Shanghai, China) 14-17 April with HGNC Poster Prizes
- HAWK2 Human Annotation Workshop (Hinxton, UK) 2-4 September
- YAPC The_Science_of_Perl (Munich, Germany) 18-20 September
- ASHG2002 (Baltimore, Maryland, USA) 15-19 October
- Plant & Animal Genome IX Conference (San Diego, California) 13-17 January
- HGM2001 (Edinburgh) 19-22 April
- The 10th International Congress of Human Genetics (Vienna, Austria) 15-19 May
- ASHG2001 (San Diego, California) 12-16 Ocotober
- ESF Workshop Information extraction in molecular biology (Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands) 11-14 November